23 research outputs found

    Algorithms and representations for supporting online music creation with large-scale audio databases

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    The rapid adoption of Internet and web technologies has created an opportunity for making music collaboratively by sharing information online. However, current applications for online music making do not take advantage of the potential of shared information. The goal of this dissertation is to provide and evaluate algorithms and representations for interacting with large audio databases that facilitate music creation by online communities. This work has been developed in the context of Freesound, a large-scale, community-driven database of audio recordings shared under Creative Commons (CC) licenses. The diversity of sounds available through this kind of platform is unprecedented. At the same time, the unstructured nature of community-driven processes poses new challenges for indexing and retrieving information to support musical creativity. In this dissertation we propose and evaluate algorithms and representations for dealing with the main elements required by online music making applications based on large-scale audio databases: sound files, including time-varying and aggregate representations, taxonomies for retrieving sounds, music representations and community models. As a generic low-level representation for audio signals, we analyze the framework of cepstral coefficients, evaluating their performance with example classification tasks. We found that switching to more recent auditory filter such as gammatone filters improves, at large scales, on traditional representations based on the mel scale. We then consider common types of sounds for obtaining aggregated representations. We show that several time series analysis features computed from the cepstral coefficients complement traditional statistics for improved performance. For interacting with large databases of sounds, we propose a novel unsupervised algorithm that automatically generates taxonomical organizations based on the low-level signal representations. Based on user studies, we show that our approach can be used in place of traditional supervised classification approaches for providing a lexicon of acoustic categories suitable for creative applications. Next, a computational representation is described for music based on audio samples. We demonstrate through a user experiment that it facilitates collaborative creation and supports computational analysis using the lexicons generated by sound taxonomies. Finally, we deal with representation and analysis of user communities. We propose a method for measuring collective creativity in audio sharing. By analyzing the activity of the Freesound community over a period of more than 5 years, we show that the proposed creativity measures can be significantly related to social structure characterized by network analysis.La ràpida adopció dInternet i de les tecnologies web ha creat una oportunitat per fer música col•laborativa mitjançant l'intercanvi d'informació en línia. No obstant això, les aplicacions actuals per fer música en línia no aprofiten el potencial de la informació compartida. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és proporcionar i avaluar algorismes i representacions per a interactuar amb grans bases de dades d'àudio que facilitin la creació de música per part de comunitats virtuals. Aquest treball ha estat desenvolupat en el context de Freesound, una base de dades d'enregistraments sonors compartits sota llicència Creative Commons (CC) a gran escala, impulsada per la comunitat d'usuaris. La diversitat de sons disponibles a través d'aquest tipus de plataforma no té precedents. Alhora, la naturalesa desestructurada dels processos impulsats per comunitats planteja nous reptes per a la indexació i recuperació d'informació que dona suport a la creativitat musical. En aquesta tesi proposem i avaluem algorismes i representacions per tractar amb els principals elements requerits per les aplicacions de creació musical en línia basades en bases de dades d'àudio a gran escala: els arxius de so, incloent representacions temporals i agregades, taxonomies per a cercar sons, representacions musicals i models de comunitat. Com a representació de baix nivell genèrica per a senyals d'àudio, s'analitza el marc dels coeficients cepstrum, avaluant el seu rendiment en tasques de classificació d'exemple. Hem trobat que el canvi a un filtre auditiu més recent com els filtres de gammatons millora, a gran escala, respecte de les representacions tradicionals basades en l'escala mel. Després considerem tres tipus comuns de sons per a l'obtenció de representacions agregades. Es demostra que diverses funcions d'anàlisi de sèries temporals calculades a partir dels coeficients cepstrum complementen les estadístiques tradicionals per a un millor rendiment. Per interactuar amb grans bases de dades de sons, es proposa un nou algorisme no supervisat que genera automàticament organitzacions taxonòmiques basades en les representacions de senyal de baix nivell. Em base a estudis amb usuaris, mostrem que el sistema proposat es pot utilitzar en lloc dels sistemes tradicionals de classificació supervisada per proporcionar un lèxic de categories acústiques adequades per a aplicacions creatives. A continuació, es descriu una representació computacional per a música creada a partir de mostres d'àudio. Demostrem a través d'un experiment amb usuaris que facilita la creació col•laborativa i dóna suport l'anàlisi computacional usant els lèxics generats per les taxonomies de so. Finalment, ens centrem en la representació i anàlisi de comunitats d'usuaris. Proposem un mètode per mesurar la creativitat col•lectiva en l'intercanvi d'àudio. Mitjançant l'anàlisi de l'activitat de la comunitat Freesound durant un període de més de 5 anys, es mostra que les mesures proposades de creativitat es poden relacionar significativament amb l'estructura social descrita mitjançant l'anàlisi de xarxes.La rápida adopción de Internet y de las tecnologías web ha creado una oportunidad para hacer música colaborativa mediante el intercambio de información en línea. Sin embargo, las aplicaciones actuales para hacer música en línea no aprovechan el potencial de la información compartida. El objetivo de esta tesis es proporcionar y evaluar algoritmos y representaciones para interactuar con grandes bases de datos de audio que faciliten la creación de música por parte de comunidades virtuales. Este trabajo ha sido desarrollado en el contexto de Freesound, una base de datos de grabaciones sonoras compartidos bajo licencia Creative Commons (CC) a gran escala, impulsada por la comunidad de usuarios. La diversidad de sonidos disponibles a través de este tipo de plataforma no tiene precedentes. Al mismo tiempo, la naturaleza desestructurada de los procesos impulsados por comunidades plantea nuevos retos para la indexación y recuperación de información en apoyo de la creatividad musical. En esta tesis proponemos y evaluamos algoritmos y representaciones para tratar con los principales elementos requeridos por las aplicaciones de creación musical en línea basadas en bases de datos de audio a gran escala: archivos de sonido, incluyendo representaciones temporales y agregadas, taxonomías para buscar sonidos, representaciones musicales y modelos de comunidad. Como representación de bajo nivel genérica para señales de audio, se analiza el marco de los coeficientes cepstrum, evaluando su rendimiento en tareas de clasificación. Encontramos que el cambio a un filtro auditivo más reciente como los filtros de gammatonos mejora, a gran escala, respecto de las representaciones tradicionales basadas en la escala mel. Después consideramos tres tipos comunes de sonidos para la obtención de representaciones agregadas. Se demuestra que varias funciones de análisis de series temporales calculadas a partir de los coeficientes cepstrum complementan las estadísticas tradicionales para un mejor rendimiento. Para interactuar con grandes bases de datos de sonidos, se propone un nuevo algoritmo no supervisado que genera automáticamente organizaciones taxonómicas basadas en las representaciones de señal de bajo nivel. En base a estudios con usuarios, mostramos que nuestro enfoque se puede utilizar en lugar de los sistemas tradicionales de clasificación supervisada para proporcionar un léxico de categorías acústicas adecuadas para aplicaciones creativas. A continuación, se describe una representación computacional para música creada a partir de muestras de audio. Demostramos, a través de un experimento con usuarios, que facilita la creación colaborativa y posibilita el análisis computacional usando los léxicos generados por las taxonomías de sonido. Finalmente, nos centramos en la representación y análisis de comunidades de usuarios. Proponemos un método para medir la creatividad colectiva en el intercambio de audio. Mediante un análisis de la actividad de la comunidad Freesound durante un periodo de más de 5 años, se muestra que las medidas propuestas de creatividad se pueden relacionar significativamente con la estructura social descrita mediante análisis de redes

    Querying Freesound with a microphone

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    Comunicació presentada a: WAC 2015 celebrat del 26 al 28 de gener de 2015 a París, França.On the web, searching for sounds is usually limited to text queries. This requires adding textual descriptions to each audio file, which is indexed effectively as a text document. Recent developments in browser technologies allow developers to access the audio input or microphone of the computer, enabling Query by Example (QbE) applications. We present a demonstration system that allows users to make queries on Freesound.org by recording audio in the browser. A basic prototype is available online

    Music performance by discovering community loops

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    Comunicació presentada a: WAC 2015 celebrat del 26 al 28 de gener de 2015 a París, França.Technologies for discovering sounds in large databases can help breaking the boundary between exploration and music performance. In this paper, we present a system for exploring loops from Freesound. Sound files are grouped by their most common repetition periods, so that they can be played in sync. A graph layout algorithm is used to organize sounds in a two-dimensional plane so that loops with similar timbre are spatially close. The result is a system that can be used as a musical instrument: since sounds will always play in sync, the user can freely explore the variety of sounds uploaded by the Freesound community, while continuously producing a rhythmic music stream

    Freesound technical demo

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    Comunicació presentada a: the 21st ACM international conference on Multimedia, celebrada del 21 al 25 d'octubre de 2013 a Barcelona.Freesound is an online collaborative sound database where people with diverse interests share recorded sound samples under Creative Commons licenses. It was started in 2005 and it is being maintained to support diverse research projects and as a service to the overall research and artistic community. In this demo we want to introduce Freesound to the multimedia community and show its potential as a research resource. We begin by describing some general aspects of Freesound, its architecture and functionalities, and then explain potential usages that this framework has for research applications

    Freesound Radio: supporting music creation by exploration of a sound database

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    Comunicació presentada al Computational Creativity Support Workshop CHI09, celebrat els dies 4 a 9 d'abril de 2009 a Boston, EUA.The habit of sharing media online has created a platform with great potential for creative applications that are accessible to large numbers of users with very different backgrounds. As an example, a lively community has grown around Freesound.org to share sound files typically to be reused in music and multimedia content. However, in order to fully realize this potential, new interfaces are needed beyond concept searching to discover interesting multimedia content. We describe Freesound Radio, an experimental environment that allows users to collectively explore the content in Freesound.org by listening to combinations of sounds represented using a graph data structure. Users can create new combinations from scratch or from existing ones. A continuous supply of potential combinations is provided by a genetic algorithm for the radio to play

    Environmental sound recognition using short-time feature aggregation

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    Recognition of environmental sound is usually based on two main architectures, depending on whether the model is trained with frame-level features or with aggregated descriptions of acoustic scenes or events. The former architecture is appropriate for applications where target categories are known in advance, while the later affords a less supervised approach. In this paper, we propose a framework for environmental sound recognition based on blind segmentation and feature aggregation. We describe a new set of descriptors, based on Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA), which can be extracted from the similarity matrix of a time series of audio descriptors. We analyze their usefulness for recognition of acoustic scenes and events in addition to standard feature aggregation. Our results show the potential of non-linear time series analysis techniques for dealing with environmental sounds.This work has been suported by the DFG cluster of excellence EXC 1077/1“Hearing4all”

    Freesound Radio: supporting music creation by exploration of a sound database

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    Comunicació presentada al Computational Creativity Support Workshop CHI09, celebrat els dies 4 a 9 d'abril de 2009 a Boston, EUA.The habit of sharing media online has created a platform with great potential for creative applications that are accessible to large numbers of users with very different backgrounds. As an example, a lively community has grown around Freesound.org to share sound files typically to be reused in music and multimedia content. However, in order to fully realize this potential, new interfaces are needed beyond concept searching to discover interesting multimedia content. We describe Freesound Radio, an experimental environment that allows users to collectively explore the content in Freesound.org by listening to combinations of sounds represented using a graph data structure. Users can create new combinations from scratch or from existing ones. A continuous supply of potential combinations is provided by a genetic algorithm for the radio to play

    Supporting soundscape design in virtual environments with content-based audio retrieval

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    The computer-assisted design of soundscapes for virtual environments has received far less attention than the creation of graphical content. In this “think piece” we briefly introduce the principal characteristics of a framework under development that aims towards the creation of an automatic sonification of virtual worlds. As a starting point, the proposed system is based on an on-line collaborative sound repository that, together with content-based audio retrieval tools, assists the search of sounds to be associated with 3D models or scene

    Characterization of the freesound online community

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    There are many online communities with membergenerated and openly available multimedia content. Their success/ndepends on having active contributing users and on producing useful content. With this criterion, the community of sound practitioners that has emerged in Freesound is a successful case of interest to be studied. But to understand it and support it further we need an appropriate analysis methodology. In this paper we propose some qualitative and quantitative approaches for its characterization, focusing on the analysis of organizational structure, shared goals, user interactions and vocabulary sharing. We think that the proposed approach can be applied to other/nonline communities with similar characteristics.This research was partly funded by the European Research Council under the European Unions Seventh Framework Program, as part of the CompMusic/nproject (ERC grant agreement 267583)